Why Is It Important for Students to Concentrate on All of Their School Subjects?

kasiga boarding school

Most parents, particularly in Indian society, fail to understand the value of all school subjects in their children’s education. It is a frequent fallacy that students can only thrive in life if they study science because these disciplines are the most “tough” and typically bring more secure income and jobs.

However, Einstein’s famous comment offers a different story: “If you assess a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” Every youngster is as one-of-a-kind as a fingerprint. No two disciplines are similar, and one cannot declare that one school subject is more significant than the other. In truth, a child’s education and job choices should be tailored to their interests and talents rather than pushing them to focus on specific courses.

Aside from a child’s ability, there are various reasons why pupils should devote equal attention to all academic subjects. Eventually, youngsters choose their paths and study only a subset of the topics required in school. However, each topic is included in the curriculum to guarantee that different aspects of their intellectual and emotional development are met.

So, from one of the top boarding schools in Dehradun, here are the top five reasons why your children should pay equal attention to all academic subjects:


Let us begin by discussing what appears to be the most essential outcome of education. Every parent desires nothing but the best for their kids. However, many assume that only engineers and physicians have secure or well-paying professions. Contrary to popular belief, this is completely untrue.

With an expanding number of engineering and medical universities, there is a surplus of graduates in these professions. This is one of the reasons why inflation rates have been substantially greater than the growth in engineers’ base wages over the last decade. Doctors confront similar challenges while seeking internships and jobs.

The reality is that as long as you are good at anything, it is simple to generate money in any vocation. There are multiple well-paying professions available in various sectors, ranging from CA students studying commerce to attorneys and even geologists hired by the Indian government.

Emotional Quotient

Aside from professional development, schooling plays a role in a child’s overall development. We can all agree that education helps people become better citizens. But have you ever wondered why? Arts unquestionably aid in the expression of emotions in both youngsters and adults. Understanding art and literature makes children more open to emotions and provides them with a fresh perspective on life. It increases their empathy and emotional quotient.

Other topics, such as history, contribute to this process as well. Understanding atrocities such as wars and ethnic cleansing helps youngsters comprehend historical mistakes and why they should be avoided.

Valuable Life Lessons

General knowledge is usually advantageous. Whether it’s understanding the local currency or speaking the language of the nation you’re visiting. Education fosters the development of more global citizens and aids in children’s understanding of other cultures and beliefs.

It strengthens social relationships among students. Not only that, but it also helps mold their ideas in other areas of their lives. Environmental studies, for example, help kids comprehend the impact of humans on the earth and their societal obligation to fix it. Political science can assist individuals in better understanding democracy, the electoral process, and their rights.

Fitness and Health

Many top boarding schools in Dehradun emphasize the value of physical activities, yoga, and the arts. All of these are seen as minor matters, and parents pay little attention to them. They are viewed as frivolous or, worse, as a hindrance to intellectual success.

However, physical activities and art have a crucial part in children’s mental and physical well-being, without which they would be unable to attain their full potential. It teaches children collaboration, sportsmanship, how to deal with rejection, and how to express themselves and interact with others. These are essential life skills for both professional and personal development.With these considerations in mind, parents should encourage their children to pay equal attention to all school subjects and learn as much as they can from each one of them. They should also encourage youngsters to explore their hobbies and pursue occupations that they are interested in!

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