Top Reasons Why New Generation Parents Choose Day Boarding Schools in Dehradun

Kasiga day boarding schools in Dehradun

India has used the Gurukul method of education since the beginning of time. It’s easy to see the allure of day boarding schools admittance in 2022 and why so many parents in the twenty-first century select it.

With the rise of the nuclear family with both parents working, a residential school in Dehradun provides a secure and loving environment for children. Parents may concentrate on their professions and complete their responsibilities before picking up their children from school because they are in good hands and on school grounds for lengthy periods of time.

In this blog, we’ve outlined five reasons why millennial parents choose day boarding schools in Dehradun

Working Parents Love the Extended Hours

As you may be aware, parents are required to actively engage in classroom activities, homework, and other school tasks. However, as a working parent who works full time, you may not have as much time as you would like to spend with your child. In such scenarios, teachers help children with homework, projects, and other class duties, thus making day schools an excellent option for working parents. This way, you don’t have to stress about school assignments when you pick up your kid from school.

Children Receive Individualised, One-On-One Care After School

The vast majority of children depart beyond regular school hours. The day boarders stay on campus, but they usually travel in small groups. This allows professors to communicate with students one-on-one. All issues and questions are addressed, and busy parents no longer have to worry about hiring home tutors or enrolling their children in after-school coaching programs.

Excellent Facilities for Children Who Wish to Engage in A Range of Activities

Day Boarding schools in Dehradun take a unique approach to education. Children are encouraged to participate in a range of extracurricular activities in addition to thriving in a tough academic setting. The excellent sports facilities are available for kids to use after school to gain some much-needed exercise. Students at a residential school in Dehradun participate in a variety of activities, such as tree planting, music programs, indoor and outdoor games, athletics, and debate.

Children Are Educated to Be Accountable and Self-Sufficient

Day boarding schools in Dehradun work similarly to boarding schools in terms of moral education. Even if they are not provided with accommodation, youngsters learn to care for themselves since they are away from home for extended periods of time. They consume food and meet their nutritional needs. They acquire essential skills such as organizing their stuff, completing tasks and caring for their possessions.

Develops Strong Moral Standards as Well as A Strong Sense of Self-Discipline

Children who are left alone and unsupervised by an adult are prone to wandering. This is because there was a dearth of adequate instructions at the proper time. When children are permitted to stay at school for extended periods of time, they develop discipline because they are expected to obey school norms and eventually incorporate discipline into their lives.

The Kasiga school is about more than merely academics; it is a haven of holistic learning. In the mornings, students practice activities like physical training exercises and yoga, and although sophisticated classes teach them how to be successful; vital human values are taught to help them become better individuals and citizens of India.

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