top schools in Dehradun

PRODUCTIVITY is a common term that we keep hearing from our teachers and parents. Numerous podcasts and talk shows discuss the significance of productivity in life often. Reality is such that the feeling of unproductivity can ruin someone’s day. Therefore, today we see most people making to-do lists to keep things in check. As a student, you might have set goals, that require taking necessary and consistent actions. Small productive steps taken daily can result in achieving your target.

Studying at the best schools in Dehradun can be overwhelming at times, but tiny changes made every day can take you closer to your aim. So, today we are going to give you some simple productivity tips that you can use for having a meaningful day.

1- Make a to-do list

Let’s assume you have set a big goal for yourself that you want to achieve by the end of the year. Instead of burdening yourself, you can simply break down your workload into smaller chunks and do a bit of it daily. Make a to-do list and plan your days ahead to get clarity on the things that need to be done. Each morning give yourself some time to gather your thoughts and note down all the significant tasks you have to do throughout the day. At the end of the day, take out that list and tick mark whatever you were able to do. Students at the top schools in Dehradun have a habit of maintaining a to-do list as it gives them a sense of control over their things.

2- Embark on the hardest task first

Students often procrastinate when they have to do those things that are really hard. Let’s say a math exercise that you might be putting off for a long time. We advise you to begin with the hardest task first. Get the worst task out of your way to enjoy the gratifying feeling afterwards.

3- Organize your space to organize your life

An organized space leads to an organized life. Make your study area clutter-free to have ease in finding stuff while studying. Every week make sure to declutter your space to have a productive study session.

4- Learn to say ‘no’ and set healthy boundaries

Sometimes saying no to situations that waste your time and setting healthy boundaries are the biggest productivity hack. Most successful people in life know when to say no in order to save time and do some productive work. At the best schools in Dehradun, saying no to unhealthy habits (such as wasting time gossiping or too much screen time) is one thing that students are taught to achieve academic productivity.

5- Reward yourself with breaks and prioritize fitness

Finally, yet importantly, take breaks throughout the day in order to stay productive. We all know a well-rested body performs better compared to a worn-out body. To kick in some endorphins, exercise! Take out at least 20-30 minutes for activities such as walking or cycling to keep your body fit. A healthy body and mind are the key to having a productive day.

Try and apply these productivity hacks to see satisfactory outcomes. We hope you enjoyed the article and it helps you become your most high-yielding self. Stay tuned to know more tips that students practice at the top schools in Dehradun to transmute into your highest self.

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