Xseeding at Kāsiga

cbse International boarding school in India

An educated mind has the ability to form opinions and learning, we at Kāsiga have always explored new methods of learning to equip our students with not just knowledge but additionally problem-solving skills. The XSEED approach to teaching aids in enhancing the concepts in the subjects they learn.

What is XSEED and how does it work?

XSEED is a research-based academic method of teaching and learning which is being practised by over 3,000 schools across Asia. It inculcates and promotes creative thinking and problem-solving skills through hands-on activities. The program includes a detailed micro-curriculum; training for teachers, assessment tools, and e-learning resources for students. In brief, it guides the students on ‘where’ to look but not tell them ‘what’ to see.

In the classroom it replaces a knowledge-transmission or ‘teaching as telling’ approach with an inquiry-based, constructivist approach which makes lessons paedocentric rather than teachercentric. Students are provided with activities that both motivate and encourage them to discover and arrive their own conclusions. Through the feedback provided, they are able to reflect on their decisions.

XSEED is based upon 5 simple steps and is also known as the 5-step learning method. The five steps are:


Students are informed of the Learning Objectives at the start of each lesson to ensure their awareness of the end-objective by the end of the lesson as well as why they are learning it.


They perform an activity to experience concepts first-hand and understand their application in real life.


They can reflect on the experience and ask probing questions to further get a good understanding of the concepts.


They are provided with several activities that offer opportunities to practice and solve real-world problems that solidify their understanding and develop the necessary skills.


Finally, they receive real-time feedback across conceptual understanding, applied thinking and English Language fluency in order to support them reflect and understand the decisions they made.

Kāsiga has always focused on the holistic development of students. Our choice of curriculum is based on in-depth research and the understanding of what keeps students curious, engaged and motivated to maximise the outcome of time and effort. We encourage our students and teachers to challenge themselves and to explore their minds.

Come explore, discover and experience Kāsiga!

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