Why Do Top Boarding Schools in Dehradun Promote Career Counseling?

Kasiga Boarding School in Dehradun Career Counseling

Career Counseling is a wide concept. It refers to the process of assisting someone by offering direction, moral support, and researching solutions to issues. It’s no doubt that a healthy rapport and trust underpin the interaction between a teacher and a student.

Typically, the best time for kids to seek career counseling is between the ages of 13 and 17 (8th to 12th grade). This is a period in their lives when numerous changes are occurring, both physically and emotionally, such as shifting from high school to college and attempting to “fit in” with classmates. It is also a period for making professional decisions. This is why they require someone to point them in the proper way right now.

From students studying at the top boarding schools in Dehradun who are unsure about what they want to do to professionals who want to shift from their industry to something they enjoy, we all require career counseling at some time in our lives. Why? Because it allows us to learn more about ourselves, our careers, and what we can do to enhance them.

Most parents are actively involved in their child’s professional development. However, their involvement works occasionally and fails frequently. This may be attributed to the fact that each kid is unique, and it is incredibly difficult for parents or instructors to constantly detect the child’s talents or shortcomings, as well as his passions or dislikes. This is just another reason why career advice is necessary.

Career counseling assists students in understanding their career alternatives and how to pursue them. It makes them aware of their talents and shortcomings and advises them on the ideal professional path for them, as well as outlining any roadblocks. It eases the transfer from one field to another and provides the necessary confidence to shift domains with the assistance of an experienced mentor.

Here are a few reasons why top boarding schools in Dehradun promote career counseling:

Aids In Career Selection

Career counselors are professionals in evaluating your ability, personality, hobbies, and other characteristics. They utilize this evaluation to recommend the best career possibilities from all accessible and relevant options.

Assists In Providing Expert Resources

Understanding the different careers, their scope, and the routes to pursue them is very crucial for a parent and kid. Most parents or guardians do not have this type of information. However, career counseling gives them access to the resources and knowledge of a career specialist.

Assists In Gaining Confidence and Insight

Career counseling assists a student in understanding the obstacles in his or her career path. This information aids in the development of confidence in overcoming these obstacles. Honest counselors owe it to their clients to give them this kind of knowledge and assurance.

Aids In the Modification of Unwanted Behavioral Patterns

Procrastination, disregarding one’s emotional and mental well-being, failing to try to encourage oneself, and other bad behaviors are common among students. A Career counselor may assist in breaking such counterproductive behavioral habits, both at home and in school/college.

Reduces Career-Related Frustration

Choosing a career may be a difficult undertaking for both parents and children. A lack of outlets for expressing emotions and thoughts may exacerbate existing frustration. Career counseling gives a venue for such frustrations to be alleviated and the attention redirected to choosing the finest career possibilities.

Serves As a Role Model

Career counseling connects students with specialists who have a wealth of life experience to share. They are role models who have achieved much and aided others in their lives. This is why career counseling may be an encouragement to individuals in need.

Contributes to Stability

Career counselors can assist you in remaining calm when making a professional decision. They seek to arrange your life by using the correct schedule and planning.


Seeking competent advice is always preferable to mindlessly following what everyone else is doing. This is the reason why Kasiga, a top CBSE boarding school in Dehradun promotes career counseling. With career counseling, we aim to assist our students in selecting a field that matches their talents and work expectations.

At Kasiga, our teachers impart expert assistance to our students to help them select the greatest career and achieve their desired success.

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